Singing Guide: Melinda Watts

Singing Guide: Melinda Watts

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Melinda Watts is an American R&B and gospel singer known for her powerful and soulful voice with a four-octave vocal range. Her music represents a fusion of gospel, R&B, jazz, and pop. To learn how to sing like Melinda Watts, you need to understand her unique vocal style, range, tone, articulation, breath control, and emotional expression. Here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you get started:

Vocal Range Test

Before you start your journey to sing like Melinda Watts, you need to know your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your range with famous singers. You can take the test here and learn more about your voice.

Vocal Warm-ups

Melinda Watts' singing style requires an expansive vocal range, agility, and control. The Pitch Training on Singing Carrots offers vocal warm-ups and exercises that will help you develop your range, pitch, and breath control. Here are some exercises:

  • Humming: Watch this video to learn how to do a humming warm-up that will help you to warm up your vocal cords and improve your breath control.
  • The Farinelli: This breathing exercise will help you improve your diaphragm's control and boost your range.

Open Mouth and Throat

Melinda Watts is known for her ability to open her mouth and throat while singing, which makes her voice sound powerful and soulful. To learn how to achieve this, check out this article on Singing Carrots.


Melinda Watts' vocal style demands clear articulation of every note she sings. The Finger Bite exercise (video here) is a great warm-up exercise to help you with your articulation.

Emotional Expression

Melinda Watts' music is all about the soulful and emotional expression delivered by her powerful voice. To improve your emotional expression while singing, check out this article on Singing Carrots.

Famous songs to showcase Melinda Watts' vocal technique:

  • "Oh How Precious" (Gospel)
  • "I Believe in Miracles" (R&B)
  • "Faith That Conquers" (Gospel)
  • "Come Boldly to the Throne" (Christian Contemporary)

Singing Course

If you want to learn more about singing, enroll in the Singing Carrots' Educational Singing Course, a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.

In conclusion, learning how to sing like Melinda Watts involves a lot of practice, vocal warm-ups, and understanding her unique vocal style, range, tone, articulation, breath control, and emotional expression. By following the tips and Singing Carrots resources, you can develop your singing skills and perform soulful and empowering music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.